This saturday, we will have another baptism!!! Hermana ana passed her interview and is all set for this Saturday at 4pm! Super excited for that, still don't know who's gonna baptize her so we'll swing by a few times this week to find that out and keep preppin her for that! She really is a miracle that we were able to find her and that she's soo accepting of everything, a golden investigator for sure!! Definitely a blessing for the hard work we've put forth in these months!
Other than her, all our other investigators fell.. soo now we won't have anyone more baptisms for the 4th of February.. the last saturday of this transfer.. kinda a bummer but I will have 2 baptisms here in cayambe at the end of the transfer! That's the thing here in the farmlands and the big city of the mish.. not too many baptisms.
I think that I will leave this transfer because I've been here for 3, but we'll see.. I'm at the point where I'm ready to go, but at the same time if I stay I won't be mad.. but we'll see, 2 weeks left!
This week there was a TON of rain!! like every single day it rained. except for yesterday.. the rain here isn't light rain either, it's usually a downpour!! I'm now on my 3rd umbrella! one broke at the ccm, and the other broke this last week, so I bought another.. but that one is trash too. basically broke the next day, but hey just part of the mish. I like to say that a lot don't I, but it's pretty true.. I'm gonna remember cayambe forever!
Today was another great pday! So each February in ecuador and also a bunch of other countries in S Amer, they have carnaval. basically it's like a bunch of water fights in the street, sometimes other things other than water
A quick spiritual thought, I've been reading Jesus the Christ, and it's super awesome!! Well idk if you can call this a spiritual thought, but hey it's super great.. If you haven't read it before, start it! I'm learning a ton of things that I didn't really know before about my Savior. So really I guess it's a challenge..
Ok thanks for reading this if you are and email me if you have time cause I'd love to hear from you all
Elder Jensen
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